6 weeks Anchorage Newborn Photographer

This sweet baby girl came to the studio when she was six weeks old. I love her sweet expressions, chunky rolls, and darling details. I will photograph newborns and babies of all age in my studio because I truly believe that all stages are worth documenting. I mean look how sweet she is! We even got a cute smile!

anchorage newborn photographer

Pinterest Picks: Leslie Meadow Photography

Hello and welcome to a new weekly blog feature! I LOOOOOVE Pinterest. Well that and all things bright and shiny 😉 I thought it would be fun to feature a few of my favorite weekly pins 😀


Follow me on Pinterest and join the fun!


1. Caramel Apple Pop Tarts

2. Sarah Jane Studio’s Narwhal Mermaid Print

3. Stephanie Corfee Doodle Inspiration

4. Easter Brunch Cocktails

5. After School Question Cards

6. Home Rock Wall

Enjoy and happy pinning!

See you next Friday!

Summer Sunshine | Anchorage Outdoor One Year Session

Oh this sweet sweet girl. She has such a sweet spirit and is just as adorable as her siblings! We took advantage of gorgeous evening summer light and let her play and explore and get a few cuddles from mama too <3 I love capturing all the moods and expressions. Even the serious ones at this age.




1 year session

I am always soooo soooo sad when the baby plans end! I love following these little ones throughout the year! She was full of energy and smiles and I absolutely adored our session <3

Alaska Child

Summertime Boys

I have loved this winter, but it is time for the spring and summer itch. Especially, as these days get longer and the sun graces us with her warmth! This was a session I did a few years ago for a project called The Beautiful Child Project that showcases children that are beautiful both inside and out. Joel battled Leukemia and won and his story is truly amazing, so are his parents. You can follow his mom’s blog HERE. She is hilariously funny and full of amazing recipe’s. I know because she feeds me and that is why we are friends 😉 Her boys are pretty awesome too and this session couldn’t have been more perfect! Brothers. Sun. Gummy worms. Backyard forts. Sigh. Summer is on its way folks!


Fall Maternity

This is truly one of my favorite maternity sessions. Alaska is just stunning, ALL the time, BUT this couple is drop dead gorgeous. Her dress, perfect. They nailed it <3

Alaska Maternity