My Favorite Things 2017 Wren And Raven Anchorage Baby Photographer

HELLO and welcome back to 2017’s My Favorite Things! THANK YOU  to all of those playing along! Also, THANK YOU to all the incredible local businesses that have gifted this year and in the past. This is such a fun tradition!  I hope everyone is wrapping up their holiday shopping and I hope to help a little with all the amazing goodies we have been giving away! Today we are featuring the incredible Wren and the Raven! Her Alaskan themed prints and designs are over the top adorable! We have LOVED the alphabet cards, signs, and her amazing new stickers! This fall at the State Fair we stocked up on post cards, prints, and stickers to send out to family. OF COURSE I am partial to her narwhal designs 😉 You can shop and contact her via the website. If you haven’t already found her designs you MUST go check her out and get some adorable gifts! We have been gifted this gorgeous set and thought we pass the fun on to you! These Alaskan themed alphabet cards are seriously the cutest. Perfect for hanging in a nursery or a fun hands on way to teach littles the alphabet!

So here are the rules to enter! Make sure you are a fan of my page, then go leave a comment on Wren and the Raven and check out her page and just show a little love!  Then come back here and leave a comment on this post that you visited the other page. Please spread the love and support local by sharing this post on your page! Just come back and leave a second comment that you shared it on your FB page (extra entry for sharing 😀 ). If you do NOT have Facebook feel free to just comment on the blog 😀 Comments close at 10 PM and I will I will randomly draw the winner from the comments. Unfortunately comments after 10 can’t be counted. If you don’t see your comment right away, don’t worry, there is a spam filter and all comments must be approved 😀 Good Luck and have fun!

Christmas frame with hot chocolate, spices, candy cane, fir tree and gingerbread cookies.

My Favorite Things Kayla Jane Designs Anchorage Family Photographer

HELLO and welcome back to 2017’s 12 gifts of Christmas or what I like to call My FAVORITE things! Every year I feature my favorite local businesses and they generously donate their favorite items to share with you! I love our community here and small business is such an integral part of Anchorage and Alaska’s charm! Prepare for several days of fun as I introduce you to several of my favorite unique and fun local businesses!

Today is a feature is from the fabulous Kayla Jane Designs (@kaylajanedesignsak)! Her unique combinations of gorgeous plants with vintage finds are so incredibly fun! Her passion shines through her work and her enthusiasm is contagious! I love watching to see what she is creating next and I recently scored my very own creation for the studio 😀 She has generously donated a darling mini cactus succulent in a gorgeous tea cup set! Soooo cute!

During the summer and winter months she can be found a variety of markets including this weekend at the Three Ladies Open House. She will also be at the Bridal Fair coming up in a few months. On Facebook she is @kaylajanedesignsak as well as IG. Website coming soon!

So lets get this gorgeous plant a new home! Make sure you are a fan of my page, then go leave a comment on Kayla Jane Designs and check out her page and just show a little love!  Then come back here and leave a comment on this post that you visited the other page. Please spread the love and support local by sharing this post on your page! Just come back and leave a second comment that you shared it on your FB page (extra entry for sharing 😀 ). If you do NOT have Facebook feel free to just comment on the blog 😀 Comments close at 10 PM and I will I will randomly draw the winner from the comments. Unfortunately comments after 10 can’t be counted. If you don’t see your comment right away, don’t worry, there is a spam filter and all comments must be approved 😀 Good Luck and have fun!

Christmas frame with hot chocolate, spices, candy cane, fir tree and gingerbread cookies. Copy space for text. Christmas wallpaper, card, background or design mock up

“Impressions from July and August”

So I am really cheating with this one! I have more than 8 images and they are from September……sooooo….BUT I just could not wait to share our experience and images from the Denali Road Lottery.

“Before 1972, the Denali Park Road was open to private vehicles, though bus service was also offered for anyone without a vehicle (or anyone who didn’t want to drive the mountainous road).

In 1972, the NPS limited travel on most of the park road to only buses. At the same time, the park opened its gates in the fall, after bus season ended, to anyone who wanted to drive the road. In those early years, only a few intrepid souls braved the poor roads to get here to drive into the park. As the years went by, the popularity of this opportunity grew.

In the late 80’s the “open to all comers” offer became unmanageable when almost 2000 vehicles per day came into the park. Major traffic jams made for an unpleasant experience, while the sheer numbers made it difficult to avoid problems with pets and wildlife, food storage and sanitation. In 1990, park management decided to implement a lottery system, wherein people could apply for a chance to drive the road after the bus season ended. Initially, the number was capped at 300 vehicles per day; in 1994, it was raised to 400 per day.

Applications to the lottery steadily increased each year. In 2003, nearly 18,000 people applied. This meant entrants only had around 1-in-11 odds of being drawn; and conducting the lottery took an ever-increasing amount of park staff time. In 2004, the park began charging a fee to enter the lottery, to offset the increasing costs and to improve the odds that an entrant would actually be picked.

Today, the road lottery is run using There is a per person entry fee and an individual may only enter once. The entry fees pay for to operate the lottery. Those chosen in the lottery are notified by email and charged for their permit. The permit fees help pay for the staff and materials needed to run the event in the fall. Since charging an application fee, the lottery typically sees around 10,000 applications each year for the 1,600 permits. Buses continue to run to Teklanika during road lottery, so that visitors who are not lottery winners may still enjoy the park in the fall.”

It is an amazing opportunity to drive through the only road into Denali National Park for 1 day and explore at your own pace. I was so fortunate to win this year! The girls loved viewing through the sun roof when we stopped. The road was a windy and sometimes narrow 92 miles. There are steep drop off’s and breathtaking scenery. We saw lots of wildlife, so many bears, and the stunning Denali (formerly Mt. McKinley) was out for the entire day.

‘Impressions‘ is a creative project by an eclectic group of female photographers from around the globe. We aim to share the inspiration behind what we do through our bi-monthly posts.

Every other month, we will be sharing 8 images that tell the story of what inspired us in the previous weeks: our families, nature, weather, or maybe even work itself! We are free to explore the meaning of ‘impressions’, and it is likely to change month to month.

So now head on over to Natalie to check out her adventures!


Lions, Tigers, and Toddlers oh my! Anchorage Fall Family Photographer

anchorage fall family

With fall here in Alaska that means that family portrait sessions are in full swing! I love this time of year and absolutely love capturing Alaska’s families in Anchorage’s stunning fall colors. I know one of the biggest concerns for all parents when they book a session is, “How will by child act?”.  Trust me when I say it is fine! I LOVE toddlers. The more personality the better! They aren’t misbehaving if they aren’t cooperating. Through all my sessions I try and do a mix of posed and candid shots. I know you need that shot that goes on the holiday card or the one that grandma wants with everyone’s smiling faces. I totally get that! I also try to capture the essence of their personality in THIS stage in their quickly growing life and in THIS stage of your quickly changing seasons! So if they give me a grumpy face, totally fine! I will also get the naughty smirk, the belly laugh, the hands as they hold treasures they have discovered, and those tiny feet as they explore new things. I will get an unruly lock of hair and that endearing dimple. I also have many many many other tricks up my sleeve 😉 Moods for toddlers change quickly so I truly am not bothered by the occasional tantrum or defiant stare. I know that it will pass and we will find something they will be interested in soon. I always recommend lots of snacks, because lets face it, we all get hangry and snacks are never not a good idea 😉 I am working on a new family prep guide that will help guide you and prepare you for your session, with things you CAN control. However, when it comes to your child or toddler and you are worrying if they are going to cooperate, trust me when I say we got this. Their personality is what I want to see and I want to capture them exploring and playing and doing the things that all toddlers and kids love to do. More importantly please don’t miss out on this amazing time to photograph your kiddo’s. This is a short season and quickly it will change too.

Happy Fall! Anchorage Child and Family Photographer

I LOVE meeting people. I enjoy making connections and meeting random people whenever/wherever. It is one of the reasons why I LOVE owning my photography business. I get to meet sooooooo many new people and connect with them over their kiddos and families. I am good at chatting on the phone/texting and especially in person face to face conversation. Here’s a little secret though, I am NOT so good at online social media or blogging! GAH! It is such a critical part of my business and such a wonderful opportunity to connect and share with a much wider audience, but I freeze. I stare blankly at my screen.  There are so many bloggers and writer friends that I admire! So I have been challenged to blog for 30 days to help me get over my fears. To help me get the words out of my brain, off my tongue, and into my writing! September is a perfect time since I LOVE LOVE LOVE fall. There shouldn’t be a shortage of sharing or blog topics! So here we go! 30 days of blogging or bust!

anchorage photographer

6 weeks Anchorage Newborn Photographer

This sweet baby girl came to the studio when she was six weeks old. I love her sweet expressions, chunky rolls, and darling details. I will photograph newborns and babies of all age in my studio because I truly believe that all stages are worth documenting. I mean look how sweet she is! We even got a cute smile!

anchorage newborn photographer