Team Up Thursday- Yellow

I’m super excited to be teaming up with the fabulous Jen from Z’s the Day Photography for a new feature on the blog.  Jen has become an awesome friend and we both have little Z’s 🙂  This week’s theme is yellow. Her photo is on the bottom, mine is on the top.  I love love the summery feel of her image and the yummy citrus! My little Z has been enjoying spring yard clean up by helping daddy with her new yellow rake 🙂


Join us for next weeks theme: unexpected. I can’t wait to see what we come up with!

Yummy Light -eagle river child photographer-

My daughter and I were playing in front of the living room window and she said “take picture mommy”.  Um, SURE!! So I tell her to stay there and I run and get my camera. I was amazed that she actually sat there and patiently waited! While I was happily snapping away; taking advantage of this great light, she grabbed my lens cover. Hmmmmm, do we have a future Canon user on our hands?


I came across this photo the other day. We had traveled to MS for our close  friends wedding reception last summer. We were honored to be a part of their intimate wedding ceremony in Alaska and it was perfect that we were in the lower 48 for their reception.  The coastal Mississippi area is absolutely beautiful and the food was amazing! This was the sunset the night of their reception.


This weeks theme: Signs {26/365}

Sign of ecouragement

“and the day came when the risk to stay tight in a bud was more painful that the risk it took to blossom” anais nin